2023 - present SSHRC-funded PhD Student, Individualized Study in Fine Arts (Sound Studies) at Concordia University, Montréal. Part of CIRMMT, the Feminist Media Studio, the Milieux, the Centre for Sensory Studies, and Le PARC.
2023 - Working At Heights Training.
2019 Protools Certified User (Version 12.8)
2013 - 2014 MA in Sonic Arts at the Sonic Arts Research Centre, Queen's University Belfast, Belfast, Northern Ireland. Graduated with distinction. Thank you to the Canada Council for the Arts for their generous assistance with this endeavour.
Focused on electroacoustic and experimental composition (including 8-channel and 32-channel works), performance practice, audio programming (Max MSP), gesture triggered granular synthesis processing and spatialization using an XBOX Kinect, vocal song cycles, improvisation, light installations, and text based scores.
2006 - 2010 York University. BFA Honours, Spec. Music.
Focused on composition, orchestration, jazz voice, and contemporary improvisation. Studies with Casey Sokol, Marc Couroux, Matt Brubeck, and Sacha Williamson. Private studies include lessons with David Lidov, and Oliver Schroer.
Selected Performed/Exhibited Works
2024 Signal Erosion, an audio-visual collaboration with Belfast artist Helena Hamilton, STAIRCASE, a sound installation mounted in a staircase, and Limestone I, an audiovisual fixed multichannel work, as part of Listening Room I, at the Sonorities Festival, Belfast, UK.
2024 Guest artist for performance with Concordia Laptop Orchestra (CLORK), Marcos Merino, eTube.
2022 scores for six animations for Housing Multitudes, a multi-media exhibition by faculty members (led by Richard M. Sommer and Michael Piper) of the John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Design, exhibition mounted at the Architecture and Design gallery from Oct 2022 - Feb 2023.
2022 full score for Residual Splendor, a breast cancer documentary by SUPRE, premiering at CUFF Docs 2022 (Calgary).
2021 SOUND MILL, a site-specific multichannel sound and light installation at Goldie Mill in Guelph, Ontario, presented by the Guelph Jazz Festival and the International Institute for Critical Studies in Improvisation.
2021 full score for Small Town Pride, feature documentary directed by Chelle Turingan and Riley Sparks. Premiered at the Inside Out Festival 2021, now streaming on CBC Gem.
2021 what is time?, a 30 minute experimental sound piece as part of MaerzMusik’s 27-hour livestreamed speaking clock, featuring work from musicians around the world, and mounted on the Grand Stage of Haus der Berliner Festspiele, Berlin.
2020 full score for Das Gewicht der Ameisen (written by David Paquet), a German-Canadian theater co-production funded by the Canada Council for the Arts (Guest of Honor Frankfurt Book Fair 2020 program), directed by Christof Seeger-Zurmühlen, and premiered at the D’haus, Dusseldorf.
2019 - 2020 sound design and live mixing for Harbinger - a research and creation contemporary dance project led by choreographer Ame Henderson. Harbinger was funded by the National Creation Fund, with support from the Canada Council for the Arts and the Toronto Arts Council, and involved several invited technical residencies (+ showings) at L’Agora de la danse (Montreal), and the Harbourfront Centre (Toronto). Sound design was in collaboration with musician and producer Victoria Cheong, with performances in 2020 originally scheduled in Paris at La Commune (presented by Rencontres chorégraphiques internationales de Seine-Saint-Denis) and Toronto, presented by Canadian Stage.
2019 full score for Things That Might Have Been, short film, 7 min.
2019 original song for A Brief History of the Unicorn, short film, screened at the Oaxaca Film Festival, the Margate Film Festival, and the Indianapolis LGBT Film Festival.
2019 full score for Barbelle (webseries, 10 episodes).
2018 The Brain Scanning Machine, 8 min, at Conservatoire de musique du Québec à Montréal, as part of the Montreal Creative Music Lab. Multi-channel for electronics, guitars, and prepared piano.
2018 full score to Moondog, 12 min, created as part of the 2018 ACTRA Short Film Toolkit program, and premiered at the 2018 Nell Shipman Awards, Toronto, and screened at the Canadian Film Fest, Toronto.
2017 original song for Mary Goes Round, feature film, premiered at TIFF 2017.
2017 CMC test 20171020.als, a sound installation (with video) created for and mounted at the Canadian Music Centre’s Concert Fundraiser, Toronto.
2016 GRAIN, a site-specific multi-channel electroacoustic piece mounted in a silo at Ontario Place, as part of NAISA’s “Silo Solos” at the in/future Festival, Toronto.
2016 full score to Chorus, a dance work choreographed by Cara Spooner, commissioned by Art Spin, and performed at Art Spin (Toronto) and FLUX dance festival (London, ON).
2016 Canadian premiere of The Stars Alight, a song cycle for three voices and electronics, as part of the Music Gallery’s Emergents Series, Music Gallery, Toronto.
2015 Fluid Intentions, an electroacoustic re-imagination of a multi-channel work from the ongoing Imaginary Headscapes series, as part of Playing the NAISA Space, at the New Adventures in Sound Art space, Toronto.
2015 Moon Phone, sound installation // modified rotary phone, as part of the annual Parkdale Film and Video Showcase, Toronto.
2015 The Whole Time, a site-specific performance piece in collaboration with Niomi Cherney, performed at the Movement Market, Misfit Studio, Toronto.
2014 The Bird, an electroacoustic composition, premiered as part of The Dark Outside, Scotland.
2014 compositions, improvisations, and experiments for voices and electronics with Marty Byrne + Meabh Meir, as part of Round Buttons Square Tones, a mini festival of contemporary sound practice at PS2 Gallery, Belfast.
2014 premiere of The Stars Alight, a song cycle composed for three voices and electronics, with accompanying light installation. Sonic Lab, Sonic Arts Research Centre, Belfast, Northern Ireland.
2013 site-specific performances for audiences of one in the derelict Sackville Music Hall, as part of the Sappyfest Songwriting Residency, Sackville, New Brunswick.
2012 musical excerpts for Wolves & Selves, a full length dance work premiered at the Montreal Fringe Festival in June 2012.
2012 music for Invitations/Into/Traces, premiered at the Harbourfront Centre, Toronto, and performed at the Summerworks Festival.
2012 sound design for Spine Walk, by Cara Spooner, commissioned by the Goethe Institute, Toronto, and performed in The Future of Mobility 2012.
2011 sound design and ambient compositions for Sauga 2030, an audio driving tour and iPhone app, exhibited at the Art Gallery of Mississauga.
2011 full film score for Moss Origins, 8 min, premiered at the imagineNATIVE Film Festival at the TIFF Bell Light Box. For strings and electronics.
2011 full film score for Bird Bath, 15 min, in collaboration with Andrew Collins.
2010 full score for Body Cartography, premiered at the Harbourfront’s HATCH Festival, Toronto, and exhibited at TMU’s Modernity Unbound symposium, Toronto. Compositions with manipulated field recordings.
2010 dérive/drift as part of Audio Out! (Un) Framing Sound at the AGYU, Toronto. Sound piece using manipulated field recordings.
2009 full film score for Our Future is Bright, 16 min (dir. Rebecca Gruihn). Screened at The Montreal International Film Festival 2010, and the Moving Images Festival 2009, Toronto. For strings and voice.
2009 dinner music, performed as part of Flux Factory's I'm On A Boat, on a boat, Brooklyn, New York. Site-specific performance including soundscape.
2009 full score for heart(less) limit, performed as part of DAM/ heart, Lower Ossington Theatre, Toronto.
2008 directed and recorded improvised score to Faces West, 6 min (dir. Rebecca Gruihn). Screened at the International Student Film Festival Hollywood 2008, LA, and MaDance Screen Salon 2008, Toronto. For two violins, double bass and drums.
Selected Recordings
2025 *upcoming releases by Rebecca Bruton, Phedre, Iwa, Banal Collective. Mixing.
2024 Biggest Baby EP, Emily Martin. Mixing.
2023 The Songs Which Are, Stranger Still. Mixing.
2023 Becoming In Shadows ~ Of Being Touched, Jason Doell. Mixing.
2023 SOUNDMILL improvisations, L CON. Composition, production, recording, mixing.
2022 Echo’s Reach, Isla Craig. Mixing (full album), recording (vocals only).
2022 Slow Shape, Loon Town. Production, additional recording (mostly vocals), mixing.
2022 What’s already here, JOYSHAPE,. Mixing.
2021 Real Time, New Chance. Mixing.
2020 Everybody All Together Now, mixing of Rebecca Bruton’s original score.
2020 Wish U Were Here (single), L CON. Composition, production, recording, mixing, various instruments, voice.
2020 Exit Strategy, Loon Town. Production, recording and mixing.
2019 Stay Gold (single), Little Coyote. Recording and mixing.
2019 Whatever EP, L CON. Composition, production, recording, mixing, various instruments, voice.
2019 Basset EP, Basset. Recording and mixing.
2019 Trying to Have it All, Misha Bower. Voice, additional recording.
2018 Sound edit / mix of VHS (short), by Sharlene Bomboat.
2018 The Smiling Room, installation mounted at Nuit Rose, assisted Heather Kirby with audio editing (voiceover).
2018 Circle of Steel, mixing of Rebecca Bruton’s original score.
2018 Insecurities in Being, L CON. Composition, production, arrangements, recording, mixing, various instruments, voice.
2018 Feeling Freaky, Falcon Jane. Recording and mixing.
2017 Relax, Kashka. Production, string arrangements, additional recording, voice.
2017 III, Del Bel. Composition, additional recording, voice, electric guitar (track #10 only).
2017 Shabbytown, James Irwin. Voice, additional recording.
2016 Long Walks, EONS. Voice, additional recording.
2016 Warbler EP, Warbler. Mixing, drum programming, additional production, voice.
2016 Moon Milk, L CON. Composition, production, arrangements, additional recording, mixing, various instruments and voice.
2016 Seven Haab Out of Xi Bootis, Imaginary Flesh. Electronics (laptop), mixing.
2015 The Distance of the Moon Limited Ed. 7” vinyl, L CON. Composition, production, arrangement, keyboards, sounds and voice.
2015 Del Bel, Del Bel. Composition and voice.
2013 The Ballads Reimagined, L CON. Composition, production, arrangements, recording/ engineering, violin and voice.
2012 Diane, Chrome and the Ice Queen. Composition, production, arrangements, keyboards, violin and voice.
2012 The Ballad Project, L CON. Composition, production, orchestration/arrangements, and voice.
2011 Oneiric, Del Bel. Composition and voice.
2008 the absence of, The Owle Bird. Composition, voice, and piano.
2007 we are famous, we are famous, Miss Scarlett. Composition, production, arrangements, recording, guitar, violin and voice.
Selected (Taught) Workshops, Mentorship, Teaching, Volunteer, + Etc.
2024 Guest Artist Talk for Sound II class, Communications Department, Concordia University.
2023 Presenter at CFRU Synth Summit, Guelph.
2023 Mentor in audio for “Hard + Soft” Residency, Ed Video, Guelph.
2023 Girls Rock Camp Guelph, Live Sound Technician and “Soundcheck” workshop.
2022 “Intro to Field Recording” Workshop, presented by Ed Video, Guelph, Ontario.
2021 Guest Artist for Daniels School of Architecture, Landscape, and Design Course “Drawing Out Urban Interfaces”, taught by Simon Rabyniuk.
2021 Mentor as part of Something Hangouts, a mentorship project pairing young artists from the Yukon with working art professionals.
2021 Online Artist Talk and Q+A (focus on music production) with live performance component for Girls Rock Camp London, Ontario.
2021 + 2020 Mentor as part of Guelph Emerging Artist Mentorship Project, run by the Guelph Arts Council.
2020 Guest Artist for U of T Course “Working in Film Music, Then and Now”, taught by John Haines.
2020 Online Studio Tour as part of The Mistress Class, presented by the Canadian Music Centre and the Songwriter’s Association of Canada.
2017 - 2021 Instructor at Workman Arts, Toronto - teaching self-designed six to twelve-week courses on songwriting and recording with focus on creative practice. Completed Anti-Oppression workshop/training in winter 2019, Microaggressions workshop in fall 2020, and TIDES training (via CAMH) in fall 2020. Courses in fall/winter 2020-2021 were taught online.
2018 Artist Talk, Hochschule Osnabrück - Institut für Musik, Germany.
2018 Mentor / Volunteer at Girls Rock Camp Owen Sound.
Boards Of Directors, Committees, Juries
2020 - 2024 Currently a volunteer programmer at CFRU 93.3 FM and FSR (online radio station). Creating weekly (CFRU) and monthly (FSR) pre-recorded mixes, submitting log sheets.
2022 External Jury Member for MMus Thesis Project (Master of Music in Music Production, Technology, and Innovation), Berklee Valencia, Spain.
2020 - 2021 Ed Video Board of Directors. Part of the Strategic Planning Committee.
2021 Member of Jury for Canadian Music Centre Media Residency.
Grants and Awards
2024 Socan Foundation Travel Grant
2024 Canada Council for the Arts - Research and Creation
2024 Canada Council for the Arts - Arts Abroad
2024 SSHRC Doctoral Award (x3 yrs)
2023 Concordia INDI Fellowship (x4 yrs)
2023 Kenny Doren Award
2019 Factor Showcase Touring Grant
2018 Ontario Arts Council Music Demo Recording Grant
2018 Canada Council for the Arts - Grants to Professional Musicians - Explore + Create
2018 SOCAN Foundation Professional Development Grant
2015 Ontario Arts Council Popular Music Recording Grant
2015 SOCAN Songwriting Prize Nominee (with Del Bel)
2015 Harbourfront SoundClash Music Award Nominee
2013 Canada Council for the Arts - Grants to Professional Musicians - Individuals ($24,000)
2013 Queen's University Belfast Americas Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences Scholarship
2011 Ontario Arts Council Popular Music Recording Grant
2008 Imasco Performing Arts Award
2006 Millennium Excellence Award Laureate
2006 Bulkley Valley Arts Council Scholarship
2006 Canadian Folk Music Award Nominee (Young Performer of the Year)
Residencies and Workshops (Participant)
2024 Inaugural Synthesizer Space Artist-in-Residence, Communications Department, Concordia University.
2024 Collaborative Songwriting Project with Earthchild, members of Ewk Hiya Hodzli (Diana Johansen and Virginia Pierce), Elijah Quinn, Brennan McKinnon, Brennan Anderson and Telkwa and Muheim Elementary school choirs.
2019 Modular Synthesizer Workshop(s) by SchneidersLaden, RAMP Academy of Music Production, and others, Berlin, Germany.
2019 Befaco Modular Kit Soldering Workshop at Zurich Modular, Zurich, Switzerland.
2019 ADE Sound Lab, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
2019 WAMcon (hosted by the Women’s Audio Mission) at Ocean Way Studios, Nashville.
2018 Red Bull Music Academy at the Funkhaus in Berlin, Germany (studio mentors included Mike Banks, Just Blaze, Steffi, EMA, Kate NV, Matthew Johnson + more).
2018 Digital Library Residency at the Canadian Music Centre, Toronto.
2018 Montreal Creative Music Lab in Montreal, Quebec.
2017 EQ: Women in Electronic Music at the Canadian Music Centre, Toronto.
2015 - 2016 Slaight Music Resident at the Canadian Film Centre, Toronto.
2014 Four Way Perspective, an international collaborative film composition residency + workshop at the Festival International du Film d'Aubagne, France.
2013 SappyFest SOCAN Songwriter in Residence, Sackville, New Brunswick.
Notable Performances
as L CON:
Red Bull Music Festival (Berlin), Pop Montreal, Sled Island (Calgary), Pique (Ottawa), Sappyfest (Sackville), the Wavelength Festival (Toronto), Kazoo Fest (Guelph), Electric Eclectics (Meaford), Long Winter (Toronto), Shivering Songs (Fredricton), Stereophonic (Sackville), the Harbourfront Centre (Toronto), In the Dead of Winter Festival (Halifax), Midsummer Festival (Smithers, BC), Arboretum (Ottawa)
with Del Bel:
live on CBC Radio Q, Hillside Festival, Pop Montreal, Arboretum, Sappyfest, the Wavelength Festival, NXNE, Grickle Grass Festival
as member of an ensemble in other projects:
Hillside Festival, Vancouver Folk Festival, Vancouver Island Festival, Midsummer Festival, Pop Montreal, NXNE, CMW, Kispiox Music Festival
Select Media Appearances // Press
Printed or Online Interviews - The Toronto Star, Now Magazine, Red Bull Music, BlogTO, Mechanical Forest Sound, FYI Music News, She Does the City, Montreal Rampage
Podcast Interviews - Burn Out with Anupa Mistry, Kreative Kontrol with Vish Khanna, Industry Tactics with Friendly Rich, Polaris Music Prize Ep.31, Hystereo Community Radio Berlin
Podcast Music Features - The Imposter (feature on original song “Form of Space”)
Online Video Features or Interviews - Kijiji, Red Bull Music, Other Songs (Studio Tours)
Radio - live performances on CBC Radio Q (Del Bel), CFRU, and CFUV, featured song premieres on the Strombo Show (not live), interviews on CBC Radio 1, Red Bull Radio, CIUT, CHRY, CFFF, CFRE